TANG Ying Chi  鄧凝姿                                            

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Forward (Exhibition of The Re-telling of Drawing –Story of Peach Flower Garden)

by Tang Ying Chi (translated by Karen Lam)

In 1998, I organized a drawing exhibition, intending to explore more about the role of drawing as a medium of artistic expression as well as the relationship between drawing and female artists. The subject matter of most of the exhibits was centred around the idea of femininity, and the exhibits revealed the social concerns of the artists. Mostly made of materials of plain and simple nature, the art pieces in the exhibition created a sort of soft visual impact which subtly enhanced the delicacy of the medium of drawing.

Since then, a few years have passed, I once again pick up this topic about drawing, and I am prepared to launch another attempt towards it with this exhibition.

Exploring the definition and the meaning of drawing is still the main focus in this exhibition and the exchanges among the participating artists in this exhibition will definitely spring up countless inspiring ideas in this regard. For the title of this exhibition, I am making reference to the famous Peach Blossom Shangri-La (Notes of Tao Hau Yuan) composed by Tao Qian of the Eastern Jin dynasty, as I would really like to learn more from the artists about their aspirations towards contemporary art as well as what their artistic Shangri-Las are like.

Nine local artists are invited to join this exhibition, they are all equipped with professional skills in different media of artistic expression and they all in their own pursuit of art.

Ricky Yeung (multi-media artist), his works denote his life experience, he criticizes the dark sides of the society in a simple and straightforward way. Jaffa Lam (sculptor), her works are full of imaginative elements, they help the beholders deny their aged-old concepts towards the physical limits of the sculptural materials and lead them into a flamboyant world of art. Lam Wai Kit (multi-media artist), she is in constant search of her own self and the true meaning of art, her works are full of sensational elements yet are critical in nature. Tsang Tsui Mei (painter), she sees the pigments as her paintbrush as well as her hands, and she brings together her feelings and the artistic scenery at the bottom of her heart in her paintings. Victor Lai (painter), he has strong belief in the creative power embedded in his paintbrushes, his pigments and his canvases, and his passionate paintings have been touching many souls. Tang Ying Mui (multi-media artist), in a world that is shrouded in the atmosphere of cross-cultural ideas and globalization, she sets her heart on the matters related to the minorities and the seemingly trivial family affairs. Enoch Cheung (video artist), he believes that there is no absolute conflict between technology and humanity, and his works reveal his passion towards humanity. Francis Yu (painter), he introduces three-dimensional elements to his two-dimensional works, and he places history, culture as well as his personal experience in a different light in his works. Tang Ying Chi (mixed-media artist), ensuring the proper function of art, she sees art as an expressive channel of communication and she regards the development in the surrounding social environment as part of her life experience. At last, we are glad to have Ms. Lai Mei Lin 's participation from the art historical sector, the article by Lai helps shed light on the development of drawing from a western art historical point of view.

I hope this exhibition will encourage us to have more confidence in and more aspiration for art.