TANG Ying Chi  鄧凝姿                                            

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2021.12.10 此中山水-鄧 凝姿新作展,蕭華敬.壹藝術畫廊.
2021.12.2 鄧 凝姿此中山水,蘇 媛專欄,星島網.
2021.6.21 那 答案早已在我們的心裡 -「那地方:鄧凝姿采風,海寧,國 際藝評人協會分會.
2021.06 那 地方是可以想像的居所嗎? 鄧 凝姿,明報月刊.
2020.05 Contemporary flaneuses in late capitalism: the representation of urban space in two Hong Kong womens artists' work, Continuum, Hong Zeng.
2020.02 Artists reveal Hong Kong behind the headlines, New Haven Independent.
2017 Distribution of The Sensible:The Art Practices of Tang Ying Chi, by Frank Vigernon, Sauntering through my city, Serial works by Tang Ying Chi, Brownie publishing.
2017 From Canvas to Phygital Experience: Transitions of Tang Ying Chi's Painted Street Portraits, by Blues Wong, Sauntering through my city, Serial works by Tang Ying Chi, Brownie publishing.
2015.02.02 http://www.pocketpageweekly.com/feature/19828/
2015 Issues of Contemporary art and Aesthetics in Chinese context, Eva Kit Wah Man, Springer.
2014.12.04 我們 都是人肉 photoshop, 陳慧敏, 蘋果日報
2014.9.21 每天你帶著什麼回家?作者: ft , Pixelbread, Sept 21, 2014
2014.09 連 繫你我- '帶回家' 藝術計劃, 本土新聞,
2014.08 dpi 設計流行創意雜誌 8月 號/2014 184
2014.6.27 鄧 凝姿個展: '時間遊跡' 體現香港的變遷時刻, 藝術推廣新聞頻道, by AMCNN
2014.04 行業達人速遞, 香港浸會大學持續教育學院 SCE 之友 2014.4
2013.11.08 鄧凝姿「這裡的街道真好」:淡然背後的消失點, 張 煒森,主場新聞
2013.11.06 這 裡的街道真好, 新報
2013.11.01 鄧凝姿 - 記憶尋找印象. 印象中編成真實, 謝諾麟, 文匯報.
2013.10.29 隨 性的遊戲 — 鄧凝姿「這裡的街道真好」潘德恩
2013.10.26 鄧凝姿 趁著街道還真好時,曾家輝, Pixelbread
2013.10.13 鄧 凝姿- 穿透人潮的思索 麥慰宗 U magazine Issue 412

The Digital Eye - Plum8 interview Stella, Tang Ying Chi

From experiments to painting - Plum8 interview Stella, Tang Ying Chi

The Artist Eye - Plum8 interview Stella, Tang Ying Chi
2013. 03.05 繪畫的探索—談鄧凝姿近年繪畫, 盛虹, 文匯報.
2013.03.02 分享首飾的快樂 鄧凝姿 梁智儀 經濟日報
2013.02.15 乘 著光影疏理生命, 麥慰宗 U Magazine
2012. 04.23 展覽的蒙太奇, 張煒森, 信報.
2012.03.09 垂 死的愈怎可能是城市 麥慰宗 U Magazine Issue 328
2011.12.01 珠聯「藝」合 構建未來珠寶世界
2011 標準與偏差, 從後設的概念中談 , 張煒森,像素麵包
Industry x Instinct - A Group Exhibition for the Senses
2011.11.24 珠寶藝術交融增品牌價值 20111124日 星期四上午8:58 - 香港 寬頻電視 1:47
2011.07.31 進 入利東街: 看"那些影像", 李漢凌.
2010.05 Perfidious Fidelity” to Paintings in Tuen Mun, by Sohl Lee,
at the exhibition catalogue of Walk-in-Tuen Mun, A Residency Project at Lingnan University, by Tang Ying Chi, 2010.
2010.05 Painting the Seeds of Art, by Zoie So,at the exhibition,
catalogue of Walk-in-Tuen Mun,
A Residency Project at Lingnan University,
by Tang Ying Chi, 2010.
2010.10.27 Veil Work of Tang Ying Chi, Tai Kung Pao
鄧 凝姿薄 紗創作, 大公報.
2004. 09 Waving between thread and fabric: Visual Veil exhibition by Stella Tang,
by Ada Li, ampost.
2004 Tang Ying Chi: Art for Communication, by Eliza Lai,
in the book (There is a gleam of light in the mountain far away).
鄧凝姿的溝通藝術, 黎美蓮, 收錄在(在遠處的山 有一點光)書內.
2002 迷失方向的 (指南針的發明)者, 盧壹麟, (指南針的發明) 展覽場刊
1998.11.19 紅 色城市裡的赤色新聞, 陳啟賢, 打開 16
1997.04 A Matter of Identity, by Patricia Elliot, Canadian Airline Magazine.
1996 Beauty, Happiness, Intelligence - Purality of Meaning Understood,
by Roger Lee, Fringe Cat of Fringe Festival.
1993 這時那時的那時, 歐嘉麗, 越界第 28 .
1993.01.27 低調地積極: 鄧凝姿, 潘 泝, 信報.